1. 资助领域
2. 申请代码
3. 资助规模
4. 资助强度
5. 申报要求
(3) 各方申请人须分别向所在国科学资助机构(即NSFC、NSF、UKRI、BSF)递交项目申请。
1. 资助领域
2. 申请代码
3. 资助强度
4. 申报要求
1. 具有高级专业技术职务(职称)。
2. 作为项目负责人,正在承担或承担过3年期及以上国家自然科学基金项目。
3. 与国外(地区)合作者具有良好的合作基础。
4. 关于申请资格的详细说明请见《2020年度国家自然科学基金项目指南》。
1. 正在承担3年期及以上国家自然科学基金项目的项目负责人。
2. 正在承担3年期及以上国家自然科学基金项目的参与者且具有高级专业技术职务(职称)或博士学位,或有2名与其研究领域相同、具有高级专业技术职务(职称)的科学技术人员推荐,并应当经基金资助项目负责人同意。
3. 中外方申请人应为新建合作关系,旨在为后续开展实质性合作研究打下基础。
4. 关于申请资格的详细说明请见《2020年度国家自然科学基金项目指南》。
1. 申请人(不含主要参与者)同年只能申请1项国际(地区)合作研究项目。
2. 正在承担国际(地区)合作研究项目的负责人,不得作为申请人申请本指南所列合作研究项目。
3. 作为申请人申请和作为负责人承担指南所列合作研究项目,计入高级专业技术职务(职称)人员申请(包括申请人和主要参与者)和正在承担(包括负责人和主要参与者)项目总数限2项的范围(作为主要参与者申请或承担的组织间合作研究项目除外)。
4. 《2020年度国家自然科学基金项目指南》中关于申请数量的其他限制。
1. 合作交流项目申请人不受“申请人同年只能申请1项同类型项目”规定的限制。
2. 作为申请人申请和作为项目负责人正在承担的同一组织间协议框架下的国际(地区)合作交流项目,合计限1项。
3. 申请本指南所列合作交流项目不受申请和承担项目总数限制。
4. 《2020年度国家自然科学基金项目指南》中关于申请数量的其他限制。
1. 申请人在填报申请书前,应当认真阅读本项目指南和《2020年度国家自然科学基金项目指南》中的相关内容,不符合项目指南和相关要求的项目申请不予受理。
3. 组织间合作研究项目和合作交流项目均实行定额补助的资助方式。申请人应当认真阅读《2020年度国家自然科学基金项目指南》申请须知中预算编报要求的内容,严格按照《国家自然科学基金资助项目资金管理办法》《关于国家自然科学基金资助项目资金管理有关问题的补充通知》(财科教〔2016〕19号)、《国家自然科学基金委员会、财政部关于进一步完善科学基金项目和资金管理的通知》(国科金发财〔2019〕31号)以及《国家自然科学基金项目资金预算表编制说明》的要求,认真如实编报《国家自然科学基金项目资金预算表》。
4. 申请材料要求。申请人完成申请书撰写后,在线提交电子申请书及附件材料,无需报送纸质申请书。项目获批准后,将申请书的纸质签字盖章页装订在《资助项目计划书》最后,一并提交。签字盖章的信息应与电子申请书保持一致。
5. 中文申请书填写的本合作研究项目英文名称须与各方合作者提交的英文项目名称完全一致。为便于项目管理部门辨识,申请人在填写合作研究项目中文项目名称时请使用“EEID: US-China:”、“EEID: US-UK-China:”或“EEID: US-China-Israel:”前缀;填写合作交流项目中文项目名称时请使用“EEID RCN: US-China:”或“EEID RCN: US-UK-China:”前缀。各方合作者提交的英文项目名称须完全一致。
6. 在准备申请材料和执行项目过程中,如果研究内容涉及动植物资源问题,项目申请人或承担者及依托单位须严格遵守国家关于动植物资源保护的有关规定;若涉及到人类遗传资源的问题,须严格遵守《中华人民共和国人类遗传资源管理条例》(国令第717号)的相关规定,在国际合作中做好我国人类遗传资源管理工作。
Dr. Katharina Dittmar
电话: (703) 292-7799, 邮箱: kdittmar@nsf.gov
Dr. Samuel M. Scheiner
电话: (703) 292-7175, 邮箱: sscheine@nsf.gov
上海大学科研管理部联系人 束老师 联系电话:66135398
The goal of the Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases (EEID) program is to support important and innovative research on the ecological, evolutionary, and socio-ecological principles that influence the transmission dynamics of infectious diseases. The program's focus is on the discovery of general principles and processes and on building and testing models that elucidate these principles. Projects must address the quantitative or computational understanding of pathogen transmission dynamics. Research in EEID is expected to be an interdisciplinary effort that goes beyond the scope of typical studies funded by the standing programs of the partner agencies. Projects should bring together such areas as anthropology, bioinformatics, computational science, ecology, economics, epidemiology, evolution, food science, genomics, geography, global health, mathematics, medicine, microbiology, oceanography, plant science, population biology, sociology, physical environmental sciences, systems science, and veterinary medicine. Research within EEID is expected to generate rigorously characterized and tested models that are of value to the scientific community, but also may be useful in decision making. The history of the EEID program has shown that the most competitive proposals are those that advance broad, conceptual knowledge that reaches beyond the specific system under study and that may be useful for understanding public, agricultural or ecosystem health, natural resource use and wildlife management, and/or economic development. Such proposals are typically interdisciplinary in their approach and/or the nature of the question(s) being addressed.
Infectious disease transmission reflects complex, dynamic relationships that occur on varying spatial and temporal landscapes, are created by both ecological and evolutionary processes, and are revealed in genome architecture, physiological systems, population dynamics, and community structure, as well as behavioral and social dynamics. The interactions between disease-causing organisms, their vectors, and their host(s) are embedded within much larger networks of interacting systems, including other microorganisms that may or may not cause disease, one or more vector species, and multiple host species. Analysis of environmental influences (biological, geophysical, economic, and social) on individual and population susceptibility is fundamental to understanding these complex systems of infectious diseases. Research into the ecology (population, community, evolutionary, and social) of infectious diseases will contribute to a deeper understanding of these complex infectious disease systems, to the development of well characterized and tested models, and to the elucidation of general ecological and evolutionary principles.
Insights into the dynamics of infectious disease systems may require integration across several temporal, spatial, and functional scales including molecular, individual, population, societal, and ecosystem levels. Similarly, they may require integration across biological, socio-economic, and geophysical domains. The field of evolutionary ecology, which focuses on both the importance of ecological context in studies of evolution and the importance of evolutionary change for ecological systems, may also provide important insights into infectious disease systems. The interplay of evolution and ecology has implications for understanding how infectious agents emerge as pathogens, adapt to one or more hosts, interact with other microbial communities (e.g., microbiome), and are transmitted among hosts.
A critical goal of research supported by this program is the generation of principles and conceptual frameworks that organize and inform the research and that lead to mathematical, computational, and statistical models of infectious disease dynamics. Diverse modeling approaches are appropriate, including, but not limited to, mathematical equations, computational simulations, geospatial algorithms, and statistical models. For the EEID program, the most competitive proposals are organized around an overarching conceptual framework that leads to such a model. Models should aim to be explanatory beyond the specific system under study and must be well-characterized and rigorously tested. Proposals must describe how models will be developed, evaluated, and disseminated. Proposals must identify which individual(s) will oversee the quantitative approaches and provide evidence of demonstrated expertise in mathematical, computational, or statistical modeling and/or data analysis. Likewise, strategies for data collection must be well designed to contribute to and test model design. Proposals must include plans for dissemination of data, models, and tools developed by this program.
A variety of topics, questions, systems and approaches are appropriate. Among the areas of particular interest are: the role of social influences on the susceptibility of individuals or populations; multiway interactions between pathogenic and non-pathogenic organisms and their mutual hosts; the role of medical, agricultural or environmental practices on pathogen emergence and transmission; emergence of pathogens from non-pathogenic populations; host switching; evolutionary dynamics in an ecological context such as disease control interventions and drug resistance. These topics have significant ecological and evolutionary components that should be studied as a system, not in isolation. Depending on the hypotheses or research questions being addressed, investigations might entail some combination of laboratory experiments, field observations or manipulations, public health interventions (although clinical trials are beyond the scope of the EEID program), analysis of social and cultural processes, or ethnographic studies. Research may also focus on novel analyses of existing data and/or theoretical investigations of ecological and evolutionary dynamics. Investigations may focus on model infectious disease systems in natural (terrestrial, freshwater, or marine) or laboratory settings where those systems elucidate general principles.
Research may use a variety of study systems. The organism(s) or system(s) selected for study should be justified with respect to its suitability to study questions of ecology and/or evolutionary ecology. Research may involve a variety of infectious agents, individual diseases, or groups of diseases, and might involve one or more social systems, regions, habitats, or groups of organisms. Proposals may focus on terrestrial or aquatic systems and organisms and may include infectious diseases of humans, non-human animals, or plants. Regardless of the system or approach taken, a proposal must have a significant focus on the ecology of pathogen transmission to be eligible for funding.
Because of the complexity of studies on the ecology and evolutionary ecology of infectious diseases, multidisciplinary teams of domestic and international collaborators with expertise from diverse disciplines are likely to be most effective. Investigators are encouraged to develop collaborations with public health research communities where that is appropriate. Collaborative teams could include, for example: ecologists, epidemiologists, medical scientists, veterinary scientists, oceanographers, evolutionary biologists, social and behavioral scientists, entomologists, food scientists, microbiologists, pathologists, and parasitologists, geologists, hydrologists, geospatial analysts, and mathematical scientists. The research plan should indicate how multiple disciplines will be integrated and how new investigators in U.S. and collaborating foreign institutions will be prepared to further this research.
The EEID program is not intended to be the only avenue of support by the participating agencies for supporting research on infectious diseases. Specifically, proposals submitted in response to this announcement must address ecological dynamics and among-host transmission, even when evolutionary studies are a substantive part of the proposal. Investigations that are outside the scope of this EEID announcement include:
l those limited solely to genetic patterns of evolutionary change (e.g. comparative genomics),
l those that focus solely on human diseases without considering the broader ecological context,
l those that focus solely on pathogen discovery,
l those that focus solely on within-host biological processes,
l those that focus solely on vector species ecology, and
l those that have not pre-identified at least one pathogenic organism that will be the focus of the study.
Letter of Intent on Collaboration
The Letter of Intent on Collaboration shall include, but not limited to, the following parts:
1. Collaborative Research Title |
2. Names and institutions of Principal Investigators of Both Parties |
3. Research Plan and Division of Labor and Time Table |
Briefly describe the scientific objectives, methodologies and approaches of the research. State clearly which part is “Partner A”’s work and which part is “Partner B”’s. Include time frames in this part if necessary. |
4. Duration |
Clearly state the specific dates that the collaborative research starts and ends. |
5. Signature by Principal Investigators of Both Parties, Date and Place |